I like

I like French fries and ice-cream cone from McDonalds,
and my cousin, Wen, likes them, too.
We’re always go to McDonalds.
I like drinking milk and black tea.
I like swimming in the natatorium.
The place I like the most is south in Taiwan.
because of south to have mountain and sea,then…fond of eating.

We’re always go to McDonalds. (BE VERB 後面要ING, BE VERB 通常是形容用的, 所以這個時候應該用GO 的動詞原形就好, 因為你是描述一個事實)
We always go to McDonalds

I like drinking milk and black tea.I like swimming in the natatorium.

The place I like the most is south in Taiwan.  (SOUTHERN TAIWAN—–台灣南部)
because of south to have mountain and sea,then…fond of eating. (because 要接子句, 所以你上一句不應該放句點, 應該直接接BECAUSE ; “台灣南部”不是人, 不能擁有, 所以不能用have要有there are(複數) )
The place i like the most is in southern Taiwan because there are mountains,  beaches, and delicious food.

你可以說OCEAN VIEW, 但是還是不能說那裡有SEA
SEA 通常是說內海

I like French fries and ice-cream cone from McDonalds,
and my cousin, Wen, likes them, too.
We always go to McDonalds.
My favorite beverages are milk and black tea, and I like swimming in natatorium in my spare time.
The place i like the most is in southern Taiwan because there are mountains, beaches, and delicious food.

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8 thoughts on “I like

  1. Just a matter of interest if you’d like to know… there’s an apostrophe for that fast food outlet, hence ‘McDonald’s’ rather than ‘McDonalds’. Have a nice day.

  2. Good job….sweet baby! When you come again down to Kenting, give me a call…..3Q3Q!

  3. ice cream cone 沒有錯哦, 這是名詞不是打錯動詞

  4. come….not cone…
    like 跟come可以一起用嗎?我覺得這樣才對..哈
    I like French fries and ice-cream from McDonalds,
    and my cousin, Wen, likes them, too.


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